[ARRC] 제16회 KAIST 증강현실연구센터(ARRC) 콜로키움
January 4, 2018 | events, 11880views

KAIST KI-ITC 증강현실연구센터(ARRC)에서 제16회 증강현실연구센터 콜로키움을 아래와 같이 개최하였습니다.      


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■ 주제: Khronos Group Standards for AR and VR


■ 연사: Hwanyong Lee, Industry Cooperation Professor, Department of Software and Computer Engineering, Ajou University, Standard Evangelist, Khronos Group


■ 일시: 2017년 11월 2일 (오후 4시  ( 다과회 : 오후 3시 30분부터 )


■ 장소: KAIST KI빌딩 3층 교수회의실


■ 주관: KAIST KI-ITC 증강현실연구센터(ARRC)


■ 후원KAIST CT대학원, KAIST K-School, 한국HCI학회 증강현실연구회,

        대한전자공학회 컴퓨터소사이어티 증강휴먼연구회


■ 요약 :


Khronos Group is industry consortium for developing open standards including OpenGL, OpenGL ES, Vulkan, OpenCL, OpenXR and etc. Standards of Khronos group play key role in ICT industry. Currently released new standard APIs – Vulkan, OpenXR, NNET - are standards for emerging technologies including AR, VR, deep learning and autonomous vehicle. In this talk, we will review next generation media APIs and get insights of technical evolution in near future.

제16회 ARRC Colloquium.jpg


Address. (34141)KAIST N5 #2325,
291 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu,
Republic of Korea
Phone. +82-42-350-5923