[ARRC]제45회 KAIST 증강현실연구센터(ARRC) 콜로키움 안내
March 19, 2019 | events, 2018views

제45 KAIST 증강현실연구센터(ARRC) 콜로키움 안내      

증강현실연구센터(ARRC)에서 제45회 증강현실연구센터 콜로키움을 아래와 같이 개최하오니 많은 참여 부탁드립니다.      


                                 -  아       -      




■ 주제AI based AMHS System Design and Smart Factory with Smart Maintenace Solution


■ 연사Young Jae Jang, Associate Professor, Industrial and Systems Engineering, KAIST


■ 일시: 2019년 03월 20일 (오후 4시 (오후 3시 30분부터 다과회)


■ 장소: KAIST KI빌딩 3층 교수회의실


■ 주관: KAIST KI-ITC 증강현실연구센터(ARRC)


■ 후원KAIST CT대학원한국HCI학회 DCH(디지털문화유산연구회,

        대한전자공학회 AH(증강휴먼연구회, KI-ITC 연구소


■ 요약 :

The Mixed Reality (MR) is a mix of reality and virtual reality, encompassing both augmented reality (AR) and augmented virtuality.

The goal of research is to develop a maintenance solution and platform with the MR technology particularly for manufacturing industry.

The MR maintenance solution visualizes maintenance processes and detailed instructions with three-dimensional (3D) holographic images

with MR device so that field maintenance engineers effectively understand the job processes.

The concept of Interoperability and Decentralized decision in Industry 4.0 is used in the development.

The interoperability is the ability of machines, devices, and people to connect and communicate with each other via the Internet of Things (IoT).

The maintenance solution enables field maintenance engineers to have the ability to access the data and information

in real-time and make an optimized decision in maintenance processes.

In this paper, we introduce the maintenance platform and data architecture for the MR technology; and the decision optimization solution

developed on the platform. An actual case study performed with an industry partner is also presented.




**This lecture will be held in Korean. I apologize for announcing this information in Korean.


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