[ARRC]제44회 KAIST 증강현실연구센터(ARRC) 콜로키움 안내
March 13, 2019 | events, 1923views

제44 KAIST 증강현실연구센터(ARRC) 콜로키움 안내      

증강현실연구센터(ARRC)에서 제44회 증강현실연구센터 콜로키움을 아래와 같이 개최하오니 많은 참여 부탁드립니다.      


                                 -  아       -      



■ 주제: User-centered and Context-Aware Smart City


■ 연사: Jina Park (Business-Academic Cooperation Professor, User-centered

        Smart Cities Researh Cluster (UCRC), Hanbat National University)


■ 일시: 2019년 03월 14일 (오후 4시 (3시 30분부터 다과회)


■ 장소: KAIST KI빌딩 3층 교수회의실


■ 주관: KAIST KI-ITC 증강현실연구센터(ARRC)


■ 후원KAIST CT대학원한국HCI학회 DCH(디지털문화유산연구회,

        대한전자공학회 AH(증강휴먼연구회, KI-ITC 연구소


■ 요약 :

A user-centered smart cities Research develop to make our life easier and more pleasant. 

The concept of user-centered smart cities and context-aware smart cities services promises 

new perspectives in smart, connected and sustainable cities. 

Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), and Software-as-a-Service(Saas) 

can help researchers, schools, citizen science, communities, developers and cities. 

Smart city as a Service rely on integrated and interconnected strategies and systems to 

effectively provide better services and increase quality of life, ensuring equal opportunities to all and 

achieving transformational change through the SDGs. 

A smart city continuously strives to improve social, economic and environmental sustainability outcomes. 

It responds to challenges like climate change, rapid population growth and political and economic instability 

by engaging with society, applying collaborative leadership methods, 

working across disciplines and city systems, and using data information and modern technologies. (iso.org)



**This lecture will be held in Korean. I apologize for announcing this information in Korean.

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