[ARRC] 제14회 KAIST 증강현실연구센터(ARRC) 콜로키움
October 9, 2017 | events, 11963views

KAIST KI-ITC 증강현실연구센터(ARRC)에서 제14회 증강현실연구센터 콜로키움을 아래와 같이 개최하였습니다.


                                 -  아   래  - 



■ 주제Human-AI Interaction


■ 연사Jihoon Jeong, Senior Teaching Fellow | Kyung Hee Cyber University.

     Advisor, Lunit Inc., Managing Partner, BigBang Angels


■ 일시2017년 9월 27일 (오후 4시 


■ 장소KAIST KI빌딩 3층 교수회의실


■ 주관KAIST KI-ITC 증강현실연구센터(ARRC)


■ 후원대한전자공학회 컴퓨터소사이어티 증강휴먼연구회


■ 요약 


Recent advances in AI technology, including deep learning, enable many things. However, there is another dimension of obstacles to overcome when the research stage technology is actually commercialized or when it meets customers. AI technology is no exception. Especially, as in the case of smartphone, interaction with users is very important when commercialization. This is why Human-AI Interaction is important nowadays. In this presentation, we will look at the latest trends in AI technology and the human-AI interaction technologies required for commercialization.

제14회 ARRC Colloquium.jpg
■ 현장 사진

Address. (34141)KAIST N5 #2325,
291 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu,
Republic of Korea
Phone. +82-42-350-5923